Asset & Stock Transfers

# Asset & Stock Transfers

# Account/Asset Transfers

Asset/Money transfers page has Created at, Reference, Amount, To Account, From Account, Created by, Details and Actions columns. You can edit and delete any transfer. The transfers table can be sorted for created at and reference and searched/filtered for created at, reference, account and others.

The account has following fields

  1. From Account - Name of the from account
  2. To Account - Name of the beneficiary/destination account
  3. Reference - Transfer reference, leave blank let system generate
  4. Amount - Amount of the transfer
  5. Details - Any further details of the transfer

# Stock Transfers

Stock/Inventory transfers page has Created at, Reference, To Location, From Location, Attachments, Created by, Details and Actions columns. You can view, edit and delete any transfer. The inventory transfers table can be sorted for created at and reference and searched/filtered for created at, reference, location and others.

The stock transfer has following fields

  1. Date - Date of the transfer
  2. From Location - Name of the from location
  3. To Location - Name of the beneficiary/destination location
  4. Status - Transfer status, pending, transferring or transferred
  5. Reference - Transfer reference, leave blank let system generate
  6. Transfer items - You can search items or scan barcode
  7. Attachments - Any documents to attach
  8. Details - Any further details of the transfer



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