Purchases, Quotations & Returns

# Purchases, Quotations & Returns

# Purchases

Purchases page has Date, Reference, Supplier, Draft, Paid, Void, Grand Total, Attachments, Created at, Created by, Total, Item Tax, Order Tax, discount, Shipping, Custom Fields, Details and Actions columns. You can view, add payment, view payment, email, duplicate, edit and delete any purchase. The purchases table can be sorted for date and reference and searched/filtered for date, reference, supplier and others.

The add purchase page has the following fields

  1. Date
  2. Supplier
  3. Reference
  4. Order Taxes
  5. Shipping Fee
  6. discount
  7. Order products - you can search products or scan barcode
  8. Custom Fields
  9. Attachments
  10. Details
  11. Draft - if purchase is still a draft
  12. Auto create payment for the purchase

Once you unchecked the draft, the purchase will be finalized and the grand total amount will be added to the supplier balance and sync stock (if enable in settings). If the add payment was checked, the payment will be added and supplier will be notified about the purchase and payment request.

# Quotations

Quotations page has Date, Reference, Customer, Grand Total, Attachments, Created at, Created by, Total, Item Tax, Order Tax, discount, Shipping, Custom Fields, Details and Actions columns. You can view, email, create sale, edit and delete any quotation. The quotations table can be sorted for date and reference and searched/filtered for date, reference, supplier and others.

The add quotation page has the following fields

  1. Date
  2. Customer
  3. Reference
  4. Order Taxes
  5. Shipping Fee
  6. discount
  7. Order products - you can search products or scan barcode
  8. Custom Fields
  9. Attachments
  10. Details

You can create sale for any quotation from actions menu.

# Return orders

Return orders page has Date, Reference, Customer, Grand Total, Attachments, Created at, Created by, Total, Item Tax, Order Tax, discount, Shipping, Custom Fields, Details and Actions columns. You can view, email, create sale, edit and delete any return order. The return orders table can be sorted for date and reference and searched/filtered for date, reference, supplier and others.

The add return order page has the following fields

  1. Type
  2. Date
  3. Reference
  4. Customer/Supplier
  5. Order Taxes
  6. Shipping Fee
  7. discount
  8. Order products - you can search products or scan barcode
  9. Custom Fields
  10. Attachments
  11. Details
  12. Create payment for the order
  13. Deduct amount from cash register

You can add return for any sale or purchase (select type). If selected create payment, the grand total amount will be added to the customer/supplier balance. If selected deduct amount from cash register, system will remove the amount from cash register. The stock will be automatically synchronized depending on your stock settings.