Warehouses, Users & Settings


Warehouse, a building/godown where you storing goods for you business purpose like manufacturing, import/export, wholesale, transportation or any other business.

Warehouse has following fields

  1. Name
  2. Code
  3. Phone
  4. Email
  5. Logo
  6. Address
  7. Active (if not functional you can unselect active)

Warehouses listing table as other have filter/search options. Filters are also remembered on page load.

Import from Excel

You can import the bulk warehouses with excel file.

Users & Roles

Users can login and perform the actions as per their permission. Default Super Admin user have all the permissions while others that you can add and set the permissions as you like. You can add role and then edit it to set permissions. You can add any number of user and assign them roles as you need. You can allow them to view/edit all (other users) records, if needed or assign them a single warehouse.


WIMS has settings for you to easily change style and set options. Email configuration is saved in the .env files. We haven't added settings for them as that is one time change and can be configured after installation.