Items, Categories & Units

Items are the main products that you want to track. These can be categorize and have assigned units of measurement.


Items have the following fields:

  1. Name
  2. Code
  3. Barcode Symbology
  4. SKU
  5. Category
  6. Subcategory
  7. Unit
  8. Rack Location
  9. Details
  10. Track Weight
  11. Track Quantity
  12. Alert Quantity
  13. Track Variants
  14. Variants

System will set item stock to 0 for each warehouse and generate all variations while adding the item. You can add check in after items to set the initial inventory/stock.

Items page list all the data for the items including the warehouse stock. Table can be searched. Actions column has menu links to view the stock trail/movement, view full page item details with all variations stock, edit and delete item.


Table remembers the filters on page load. You will need to rest to forget filters to load normal listing.

Item Trail is to track the item movement on the period of time. You can select the start and end date to check the stock at any period of time.

Import from Excel

You can import the bulk items with excel file.


Categories have been added so that you can manage the item easily. You can assign category & subcategory to items.

Categories have the following fields:

  1. Name
  2. Code
  3. Parent Category (only required if you want to add subcategory)

Categories listing table is similar to items with filter/search options. Filters are remembered on page load as same as other listing tables.

Import from Excel

You can import the bulk categories with excel file.


Units (units of measurement) have been added so that you can check in/out quantity in different units.

Categories have the following fields:

  1. Name
  2. Code
  3. Base unit (optional to assign conversion)
  4. Operator (for conversion formula)
  5. Operation Value (for conversion formula)

Units listing table is similar to categories with filter/search options. Filters are remembered on page load as same as other listing tables.

Import from Excel

You can import the bulk units with excel file.