# Installation Guide

# We have added the installer for easy installation experience and it can be accessed by adding /install at the end url.

# Step 1: Preparation

Standard License?

If you have purchased standard license, please run install dependencies before following these steps by running composer install


PHP 7.1.3+ & MySQL 5.7.8+, Installer will check other requirements

Installing on cPanel?

Please don't upload the files to public_html directory but create tsms directory one level above (outside public_html) in main directory that is not accessible by public and then upload the files to this tsms directory. Lastly create subdomain that points to the tsms/public directory. Now replace the yourdomain.com below with subdomain.yourdoamin.com

Installing locally?

Please add a virtual host that should point to public directory in tsms full/path/to/tsms/public directory then access the virtual host in browser.


If you need to install in as main domain yourdomain.com but not subdoamin subdomain.yourdoamin.com, you still follow the above instructions and then create symbolic link for public_html ln -s /tsms/public /public_html. You can check with your host about this and tell them that you was to secure Laravel installation.

You can access the installer by adding /install at the end of your domain i.e,

  • https: // yourdomain.com / install for main domain installation
  • https: // yourdomain.com / subfolder / install for sub directory installation
  • https: // subdomain.yourdomain.com / install for sub domain directory installation

You will need to prepare these details (mentioned at installer page)

  1. License details:
    • Purchased by (username/email)
    • Licence Key / Purchase code
  2. Database server details:
    • Database Hostname
    • Database Name
    • Database Username
    • Database Password User must have all the privileges on the database

# Step 2: Licence Agreement

Please read the license details and accept.

# Step 3: Pre-Install Checklist

If there is any server config change required, you will see the details on this page. You need to resolve these before proceeding to next step. If you are not sure about any issue, simply Google it or check with your host/server administrator.

# Step 4: Verify your License

Please fill username and license key/purchase code and click next to verify, if you set error, please double check your purchase details and try again. It still same, please email to support@tecdiary.com with your license key/purchase code, we will check and update you.

# Step 5: Installation Configuration

Please fill the form with your database server details hostname, database, username and password. Please make sure that

  • database is empty
  • the hostname is correct
  • user has all the privileges on the database

# Step 6: Create User Account

Please fill the form to create owner user account.

# Step 7: Finalize Installation

We are almost done, it's time to finalize the installation. If you need some demo data, you can generate from this page before pressing the Finalize button.

You must press the Finalize installation button to complete the installation.

Can I start again?

Yes, if there is any issue on any step and you can't pass then you can cancel and start over again with new database or settings.

# After Install

After install, please add system level data as following:

  1. Settings update settings (specially email & sms settings)
  2. Services (add at least one)
  3. Taxes (add at least one)
  4. Customers (add at least one)