# Developer Guide
# What's included
Regular license doesn't come with front-end (vue), feature tests, database migrations & seed files. These all are included in standard license but standard license download file doesn't have vendor folder as you can run composer install
and for front-end (vue) yarn
or npm i
I would recommend you to use yarn.
# Modify Order Templates
Order view file is resources/js/Pages/Orders/Show.vue
# Modify Notification Templates
You can modify the notifications from app/Notifications/
# Standard/Extended License
If you have purchases standard/extended license then you will get the minimal download file. You can download, open the extracted folder and run the following commands to install dependencies:
# Install back-end (composer) dependencies with
composer install
# Install front-end (npm) dependencies with
npm install
npm run dev # to compile
npm run watch # to compile and watch
npm run prod # to compile for production
As you know the front-end is Vuejs and back-end Laravel. If you need any help regarding them, you can visit documentation for at Laravel Docs and Vue Docs.
# Where is the manifest file.
Manifest file resources/sw/manifest.json
# Where is the service worker file.
Service worker is being generated with laravel mix and you can check the webpack.mix.js
# Front-end App
The front end source code can be found in resources/js/
main app file resources/js/app.js
page files resources/js/Pages
main scss file resources/css/app.css
# Support for Modifications
# Please be informed that we can't offer support/help for modifications, you need to manage it yourself. If you don't know then you can hire developer to help you modify the item as you need.
# Do you provide customization/modification service?
Yes, we do provide customization/modification. We charge $50/hours and availability depends on schedule. You can email to support@tecdiary.com with your requirements to get estimate.
# I can't find answer in docs?
If you can't find the answer here, you can post at official support portal https://tecdiary.net/support.