Products, Customers & Vendors


Products are the items/services that you sell to your customers.

  1. Code - Product's Code should be unique
  2. Name - Product's Name
  3. Cost - Purchasing Price
  4. Price - Selling Price
  5. Category - Product Category
  6. Details - Product Details
  7. Taxes - Attach all taxes, if should select all same and different state taxes.
  8. Custom Fields - if added for products by you

As all others, you can add custom fields for products to save extra product related data.

Customers & Vendors

Customers & vendors are quite similar, the customers are attached to invoice while vendors are attached with purchases. Customer & vendors are essential part of any business. There are few informational fields such as

  1. Name,
  2. Company,
  3. Phone,
  4. Email,
  5. Opening balance for customer account,
  6. Address,
  7. Country
  8. State
  9. Custom Fields - if added for customers/vendors by you

The Name and State are required. If you need to save more data for customers & vendors, you can add custom fields for them and those will be added to forms.


Payments (receiving/sending) are backbone of the any business. You can received payments from customer by cash, offline accounts, online PayPal and credit/debit card payments with Stripe, PayPal Pro, PayPal Rest or while you can send cash payments to vendors.

The payment can be requested from customers & vendors listing page as you need. The payments are directly attached to customers & vendors. Payments are not attached to invoices & purchases. Invoices & purchases will added the grand total to the customers & vendors balance. Payment request can be automatically generated for invoices and customer will get email to make payments. For purchases, there is no option to add payment automatically, the purchase grand total will be added to vendor balance, then you can add payments as you pay to vendors.

Last Updated: 7/1/2019, 3:08:51 PM